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So far latasha has created 9 blog entries.

Tis’ the Season: Are you covered under workers’ comp at your part-time, seasonal job?


There's a lot of ambiguity around what's covered for seasonal workers. Do they get a lunch break? Can they request time off? Are they covered by workers' compensation? How many hours can they work? As the holiday shopping season peaks, so does the number of workers hired temporarily to accommodate the seasonal increase in business. [...]

Tis’ the Season: Are you covered under workers’ comp at your part-time, seasonal job? 2020-03-12T13:34:56+00:00

“Track Policy” now LIVE on GA State Board of Workers’ Compensation website


Dec. 17, 2019 - Track Policy is now available on the Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation website. The newest feature is an enhancement to the Online Employer's Workers' Compensation Coverage Verification tool, which previously only allowed employees to verify whether or not their employer has an existing workers' compensation insurance policy in the state of [...]

“Track Policy” now LIVE on GA State Board of Workers’ Compensation website 2020-03-12T13:34:56+00:00

“Track Policy” – New system allows you to track workers’ comp “insurance policy” changes


Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation recently announced plans to roll out "Track Policy" a new verification enhancement system on November 30, 2019. The new system will allow users to receive "email" notifications of transactions for a specific insurance policy. Notifications will include cancellations of a workers' comp insurance policy or subsequent reinstatement of a workers' [...]

“Track Policy” – New system allows you to track workers’ comp “insurance policy” changes 2020-03-12T13:34:56+00:00

Got compensation? What you need to know when you’re still waiting on your workers’ comp check


Do you know your rights as an injured worker in the state of Georgia? No one plans to get hurt on the job. Sudden injuries can be debilitating, life-altering, career-threatening, and even catastrophic. The uncertainty of job security and being able to work in the only industry you know, exasperated by the decrease [...]

Got compensation? What you need to know when you’re still waiting on your workers’ comp check 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00

Georgia workers’ compensation amendment increases disability and death benefits for injured workers and families


Effective July 1, 2019, SB 135, signed by Governor Brian Kemp, amends state law related to workers' compensation for total disability, temporary partial disability, and compensation for death. Modified provisions related to workers’ compensation administration and benefits include: Expansion of allowances to 400-week maximum period cap For non-catastrophic injuries arising on or after July 1, [...]

Georgia workers’ compensation amendment increases disability and death benefits for injured workers and families 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00

Something to sink your teeth into: Mouth trauma and the workers’ compensation dental claim


Fractures and sprains, loss of limbs, knee and back injuries-these are common impairments that come to mind when we think of workplace injuries. Mouth trauma is a smaller, rarely imagined category of workplace injuries that affect less than 1% of injured workers annually. As rare as hen's teeth: Dental trauma accounts for less than 1% [...]

Something to sink your teeth into: Mouth trauma and the workers’ compensation dental claim 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00

We’ve updated our website and we’re excited to introduce our new features


Benzo Law is pleased to announce the launch of our new website features just in time to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day. Our new features include updated staff bios and video testimonials from injured workers across the state of Georgia. These staff bios and video testimonials provide a clear message of who we are, and how hard we [...]

We’ve updated our website and we’re excited to introduce our new features 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00

Controversial government rollback threatens workers’ comp injury data


Public health researchers worry accurate worker safety, injury and health data could be in jeopardy due in part to a deregulation pushed through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the leadership of the Trump administration. While history will forever remember January 25, 2019 as day 35 of the longest U.S government shutdown in history, [...]

Controversial government rollback threatens workers’ comp injury data 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00

Proper Documentation Could Be the Key to Ensuring Your Workers’ Comp Claim is Approved


Documentation is the most important aspect of the workers' compensation filing process, yet it is the least mentioned outside of filing the initial paperwork. Most workers' comp claims are denied for the following reasons: Document your work injury from start to finish. Improper documentation Injury didn't occur on the job Injury was aggravated [...]

Proper Documentation Could Be the Key to Ensuring Your Workers’ Comp Claim is Approved 2020-03-12T13:34:57+00:00